Assign Tracking Numbers
To access Tracking Products, you will need to turn on Fulilments on the Sales Type for Orders->Invoice, To do this review this article
Create a new ORder
- Click on the Sale Drop down menu
- Click on the plus button next to the sale
- Click on the Order->Invoice Option
Create the Sale
- Select the customer that is going to use Tracking Product
- Add a line in the Sales order
- Then choose the tracking product
Authorise the Order
Create the Fulfilment
Fulfilment Type
- AutoFulfilment
- This will auto assign the Serial Number and the any available items that are on the product. If there is not enough stock it will pop up a screen to let you know
- Manual Fulfilment will allow you to assign the product one at time
Pick Card
The Pick Card will tell you which serial number you it has assign to the customer
Chooise another Serial Number
Choose the Courier
Able to see which Serial Number to the Customer
This has assign the Serial Number 1111111 is assign to Company : CreataCRM, and hte OnHand is 0