Cash Sale

Cash Sale Feature is great for sending a invoice without creating a Customer in your Accountancy system, This is great when you exceeding 5,000 customers, and your search features in your accountancy system is slowing down, as your basic Accountancy systems are not really build this. You can then create a customer in CreataCRM and then send a cash sale in CreataCRM.

Create a Cash Sale

  1. Click on Sale Drop Down
  2. Click on the plus button next to cash sale

Defaults to Cash Sale Customer

This will default to a Cash sale Customer, in the Settings Drop down My Company Settings

  1. This is the Cash Sale Customer which is found in the My Company Settings in the invoice tab
  2. Sold To: If its a new Customer, click on the plus button, or existing customer, search on the Sold To

New Customer

Click on the Plus Button next to Sold To

Main Tab

Main Tab is for the Customer Details in the database

  1. First Name: First Name on Contact
  2. Last Name : Last Name on Contact
  3. Title : Position ont he Contact
  4. Company : You can choose a existing Company or create a new company, if a new company, it will have a bracket (New) and the end of the company
  5. Email Address : Email Address on the contact and new company
  6. Phone: Office phone for the contact and new company
  7. Mobile: Mobile on trhe contact

Address Tab

  1. Search for an Address: Search the Maps Server
  2. Attention To: Display on Invoice Attention To
  3. Line 1 : Address line 1
  4. Line 2 : Address line 2
  5. Line 3 : Address line 3
  6. City:
  7. State:
  8. Postcode
  9. Country

1.Search for an Address

Type of the address in the Search box

Fills the address

Create Customer

Cash Sale

Sold To: Will be Contact

Billing Address: Attecntion to and address tab

results matching ""

    No results matching ""