Sales - Sales Order Section

With Sales, you have a Sales Order Section, this is enabled by Sales Type more info in this article Sales Type . When you will have enabled the Sales ORders in the sale type, the Order Tab will appear in the 2nd sections on the sale

Sales Order - Edit Mode

  1. Order Tab : If the Sale Type has Order Enable, this tab will display
  2. Barcode scanner
  3. Custom Fields for the Order
  4. Order Date, this is Created when the sale order is created or when the order tab is activated
  5. Order comments
  6. Order lines
  7. Order Footers - This includes Total Weight
  8. Tax inclusive or Exclusive
  9. Order Status Field
    1. Draft
    2. Open
    3. Closed

Sales Order - Display Mode

  1. Authorise Button: This allows the user to work on order, when ready for filfulments, the user will Authorise the order ready for pick pack ship.
  2. Create am PO from the order
  3. Order fields
  4. Order lines
  5. Email or Print Order lines
  6. Order Footer

Order Lines

  1. Order Lines: This has extra features like Picked and Not Picked, Linked to Fulfilments,
  2. Add Single line
  3. Add Header Line
  4. Bulk Add
  5. Add Bundles - More info

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