Documentation by CreataCRM
For documentation relating to other modules, visit the following links:
- General for general information about getting started with CreataCRM, creating Companies and Contacts, and adding Users to the system
- Sales for information about creating Leads and Opportunities, as well as creating Quotes and Invoices
- Projects for information about Project and Job Management, and also Site and Asset Management
- Integrations for guides on connecting to Accountancy packages and information about what data is synced between CreataCRM and the Accountancy package
- Marketing for information about our Marketing module, creating and Sending campaigns and using Tags to group Contacts
- Warehousing for information about our Warehousing system, setting up Warehouses, adding items to Warehouses and stocktakes
If you require documentation on any aspect of CreataCRM, please CONTACT US by clicking here. We are always updating our documentation in order to help you use Creata to its fullest.